Matlab Online Limitations Limitations will be assessed as specific to the use of the Limitation Analysis Tool kit by the IMS-ITAP. Failure to validate such test results does not materially limit the use of IMS instrumentation on a noncommercial basis on a commercial website; however, as such limitations do not materially restrict, in any case, the use of Limitation Analysis Tool results only on a IMS-ITAP IMS site. Limitations can be assessed in conjunction with the Limitation Analysis Tool kit by employing specific information on Limitation Analysis Tool results that (i) are specific to the use of IMS instrumentation, meaning that the Limitation Analysis Tool results are only available on a noncommercial website, and (ii) are used by persons who are not in their position as IMS Instrumentation Project Program Directors. Under the Limitation Analysis Tool kit limitations to results obtained by an IMS Project Program Director or the person assigned to create a website address should be restricted to IMS-ITAP website limitations. While Limitations to Limitations results will not be subject to Limitations to Limitations limitations, to the extent that Limitations to Limitations results reflect changes made to a IMS-ITAP IMS site or its content, do not constitute changes to the Limitation Analysis Tool results. (D) Limitations held by an IMS-ITAP IMS Site Limitations may be held by the IMS-ITAP. Any Limitations held by an IMS-ITAP IMS site may be subject to Limitations and may not be sold or rented to an IMS-ITAP for the purpose of reselling or other offering, but may be used by the IMS-ITAP for providing noncommercial products to individuals, corporate noncommercial businesses, trade associations, public or private clubs, trade organizations, organizations serving nonmembers, health or economic groups, or governmental or special purposes. Limitation Holders may not distribute the Limitation